Sponsor mentors

Join a girl in her journey towards becoming a little innovators. Invest in her dreams by helping us get her a mentor

We work closely with each girl to help her identify her goals and define the path to achieving the goals. However, there are many challenges for her at each step as she starts to slowly negotiate within her family and outside for herself. We need to invest time and resources at every step to make it possible for her to understand concepts of STEM. This experiential learning is possible only when they can motivate their families that they do have potential. It will be infinitely easier for them to do that if they have a backer, if someone is willing to go an extra mile to see her innovate.

You can join us in supporting mentors for these girls and fuel a movement of greater inclusion of girls in STEM fields. 

Donate - Rs.5000/-(75 USD) for one mentor per month, Rs.60000/- (600 USD) for one mentor for a year through our Ketto page