Champion, Community Engagement

आवेदन का कार्यक्षेत्र

वर्तमान में, FAT में कुल 5 portfolio (Admin/HR, Accounts/Finance, Collectivisation Initiative, और Community Engagement) हैं। जो युवा महिलाओं के समूह को समुदाय में FAT के कार्यक्रम के ज़रिए  अन्य लड़कियों तक पहुँचाने के लिए सहयोग प्रदान करता है। इसी उद्देश्य के साथ यह रिक्त स्थान Community Engagement Portfolio के लिए किया जा रहा है, जिसके माध्यम से समुदाय में FAT की पहचान बनाना, ब्रैंड-बिल्डिंग करना ताकि समुदाय के साथ मजबूत संबंध बना पाए साथ ही FAT और समुदाय के बीच सुचारु रूप से कम्युनिकेशन बना रहे।

Community Engagement का दूसरा महत्वपूर्ण लक्ष्य हैं FAT कम्युनिटी का वेल्बींग देखना। इस पद के लिए  हम ऐसे व्यक्ति की तलाश में है जो निम्नलिखत कार्यों को करने में सक्षम हो: 


कार्य  का विवरण

  • Community Engagement कार्यक्रम चैम्पीयन के रूप में, आपकी भूमिका टीम को कार्यों में सहयोग देना होगा, इसमें ज़ूम लिंक और कैलेंडर इनविटेशन तैयार करना, प्रोग्राम अपडेट लिखना, मीटिंग नोट्स लेना, समुदाय के सदस्यों से मिलना आदि शामिल होगा।

  • Community Engagement कार्यक्रम से जुड़े सोशल मीडिया, वेबसाइट, ब्लॉग पोस्ट, और न्यूज़ बुलेटिन जैसे अलग-अलग communication channel को अधिक से अधिक लोगों तक पहुंचाने में टीम को सहयोग करेंगे।   

  • Community Engagement टीम को दिन प्रति दिन के कार्यों में सहयोग करना, जिसमे टीम द्वारा दिए गए कार्यों को सीख कर पूरा करना होगा। सहयोग के दौरान यदि आवेदक एक साल तक कार्यों को सीख लेते हैं, तो उन्हे आगे नए कार्य व भूमिका दी जाएगी।  


चयन मानदंड

अपेक्षित कौशल:

  • वह अलग अलग location  (बिहार, पुणे झारखण्ड  दिल्ली,हलान) में ट्रेवल कर सके। 

  • वह आंतरिक और बाह्य रूप से संवाद करने में सक्षम हो। 

  • वह अपने सभी नौकरी विवरण कार्य को पूरा करें।

  • सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना।

  • Email भेजना, कंप्यूटर चलना जानते हो  तथा word, excel, PPT पर काम करना आता हो। 

  • सामाजिक मुद्दों में समझ। 



हिंदी, बुनयादी अंग्रेजी 


समय प्रतिबद्धता:

कार्यालय समय सुबह 9:30 to 5:30 जिसमें सप्ताह में 40 घंटे देना होगा, इसके अलावा जरूरत के अनुसार समय देना होगा तथा champion को दिल्ली कार्यालय में रह कर काम करना होगा। 


कार्य क्षेत्र तथा टीम में शामिल होने की तिथि:
यह पद दिल्ली के लिए होगा जहाँ उन्हे office में आ कर कार्य करना होगा । तथा यह पद की joining तिथि 1 अगस्त 2023 से रहेगी।
अन्य गुण या अपेक्षाएं:
  • नए कौशल और ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए और सीखने के लिए तैयार रहना।
  • हिंदी में बातचीत करना और हिंदी में अच्छी तरह से लिखना।
  • समुदाय के दौरे करने में सक्षम होना।
  • बुनियादी अंग्रेजी की समझ होना।
  • टीम के साथ और जरूरत पड़ने पर अकेले लोकेशन में यात्रा करने मे सक्षम हो।



यह पद champion के तौर पर कार्य करने के लिए 6 महीने की परिवीक्षा अवधि (Probation Period) लागू करेगा। जिस दौरान उन्हे 15,000 रुपए का भुगतान किया जाएगा । इस समय के दौरान, FAT उनकी सामाजिक मुद्दों में समझ और FAT के समान लक्ष्य के साथ काम करने के लिए उत्सुक (Willingness) तथा क्षमता (Potential) का आकलन करेगा।
FAT परिवीक्षा अवधि (Probation Period) के अंत में चैंपियंस के प्रदर्शन का मूल्यांकन करेगा। यदि चैंपियन अपेक्षित आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करता है, तो चैंपियन पद में उनकी पुष्टि की जाएगी तथा वेतन 20,000 रुपए होगा। 
यदि अतिरिक्त समय की आवश्यकता होती है तो अधिकतम विस्तार 6 माह के लिए ही होगा जिसमे भुगतान में कोई बदलाव नहीं होगा । यदि वह 6 महीने के अंतराल में परदर्शन करने मे विफल होते है तो उनका अनुबंधन समाप्त कर दिया जाएगा।

आवेदन कैसे करें और कब तक आवेदन जमा होगा ?

यदि आप इस पद के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते है तो कृपया नीचे लिखे बिंदुओं के अनुसार अपना आवेदन जमा करे:
  • आवेदन जमा करने के लिए कृपया Google Form में पूछी गई बुनियादी जानकारी तथा आपका updated CV हमारे साथ साँझा करें । यदि आप CV Google Form में डालने मे कठिनाई का सामना कर रहे हैं तो कृपया आप, में ईमेल करें। 
  • आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 15 जुलाई 2023 तक होगी।


Video Cameraperson

About Role

This position is pegged as a ‘Consultant’ and is time bound as our vision is for the young women to take full accountability and ownership for the program and deliverables.

Scope of Work

  • Should be able to shoot videos with any equipment and/or able to operate different cameras.
  • Able to shoot good footage even if shooting only with a smartphone camera.
  • Awareness about feminism and social issues.
  • Ability to shoot educational, social issues and STEM based footage according to a structure and/or script.
  • Should be able to shoot dramatised / enacted scenes when needed as per the script.
  • Should be able to shoot training sessions, lectures, events and workshops without scripts. However direction will be given, remotely.
  • Should be able to identify when to shoot or not to shoot as per feminist ideologies and social issues sensibility, e.g. keep the dignity of people in mind, women and child rights in mind and shoot only with consent.
  • Should be able to shoot with the clear audio along with the video, even in challenging situations.
  • Good understanding of light.
  • Should be able to shoot creatively and in a novel way, while keeping practicality in mind.

Selection Criteria


  • Minimum experience of 5-10 years shooting for documentaries and other videos.
  • Should have experience working with women, girls and a diverse group of people.
  • Submit showreels, which includes raw footage, edited footage and credit of the work done.
  • Physically fit with patience and stamina for various situations.
  • Have an updated technical knowledge of cameras and be able to problem solve.
  • Happy and free to travel to any location needed.

Languages Needed:

Fluency in Hindi, English and any other language.

Time Commitment:

Full time engagement on a consultant contract (40 hours in 5 working days).

Other Requirements:

  • Willing to associate long term with FAT
  • Willing to travel and able to stay long in FAT’s project locations (Delhi, Pune, Bihar, Jharkhand) as per need
  • Flexibility in working from home, but available in the field (if needed)


The position is for a consultant contract at INR 60,000/Per month (TDS will be deducted). Depending upon the suitability of the candidate for the role, they will be first offered a short term contract of 3 months as a Consultant. On successful completion of the trial period, the contract will be reviewed for 1 year as a Consultant. The trial period may be extended as per mutual agreement if required.

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to by or before April 7, 2023.

  • “Application for Video Cameraperson” in the subject line
  • A cover letter with a short note on your achievements
  • An updated CV with three references, your last drawn salary (annual) and expected salary
  • Note of purpose (why would you want to apply for this position?) and the period of association with us
Coach, Girls in STEM Program

This position is pegged as a ‘Coach’ and is time bound as our vision is for the young women to take full accountability and ownership for the program and deliverables.

As a Coach, the key deliverable will be to build capacity, show direction, guide, facilitate, help and support, resolve conflicts,  and create an enabling environment for young women to flourish. We are looking for someone who will be highly energised by working with young women from the  community and loves a challenging, yet rewarding environment to work in.

Scope of Work

  • Work with the other Coaches to streamline all FAT’s training material and curriculums including STEM education appropriately in each program.
  • Provide guidance and coaching to build the team’s capacity in all STEM education-related work at FAT and provide training in the field as and when required.
  • Be accountable for strategy building, program implementation, quality monitoring, problem solving, fundraising, and future strategy building for the  Girls in STEM program while Coaching  all Champions working in the program.
  • Support Champion to execute the pilot model of Girls’ MakerSpace.
  • As per FAT’s overall work and Girls in STEM purpose, the Coach will work with a team to build their capacity in partnership with the other organisations for resource and skills sharing.
  • Work with the entire team in collective decision making and building and maintaining healthy feminist culture at FAT.
  • Working with Champions and Coaches to strategise at an organisation level to further FAT’s mission.

Selection Criteria


FAT does not prioritise academic degree or years of experience; rather FAT looks at the person's skills to deliver the role, ability to work with FAT’s community, and ability to coach young teams in their day-to-day work while nurturing them as future leaders (Previous experience in coaching youth would be added advantage).

Skills Required:

  • Prior experience working in the area of STEM Education (experience of working with marginalised communities would be added advantage) .
  • Skills to establish new MakerSpaces.
  • Previous experience of working  with children between the age of 8 to 14 years.
  • Strong understanding and a feminist perspective on co-relation between Gender and STEM.
  • A variety of hands-on skills in STEM areas.
  • Project management skills-  Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning.
  • Good skills in report writing and proposal development.

Languages Needed:

Our work is with children and young women who mainly speak Hindi. The Coach should be able to communicate in Hindi effectively to work with our participants and team members besides being fluent in English.

Time Committment:

Full time engagement on a consultant contract (40 hours in 5 working days).

Other Requirements:

  • Willing to associate long term with FAT.
  • Willing to travel and able to stay long in FAT’s project location.
  • Flexibility in working from home, but available in the field (if needed).


We have two roles available in FAT:

  • As an Assistant Coach for candidates with less coaching experience in a consultant contract at INR 80,000/Per month (TDS will be deducted).
  • As a Coach for candidates with required coaching experience in a consultancy contract at INR 1 lakh/Per month (TDS will be deducted).

Depending upon the suitability of the candidate for the role, they will be first offered a short term contract of 3 months as an Assistant Coach. On successful completion of the trial period, the contract will be reviewed for 1 year as a Coach. The trial period may be extended as per mutual agreement if required.

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to

  • “Application for STEM Coach” in the subject line.
  • A cover letter with a short note on your achievements.
  • An updated CV with three references, your last drawn salary (annual) and expected salary.
  • Note of purpose (why would you want to apply for this position?) and the period of association with us.





Coach, Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)

This position is pegged as a ‘Coach’ and is time bound as our vision is for the young women to take full accountability and ownership for the program and deliverables.

As a Coach, the key deliverable will be to build capacity, show direction, guide, facilitate, help and support, resolve conflicts, and create an enabling environment for young women to flourish. We are looking for someone who will be highly energised by working with young women from the  community and loves a challenging, yet rewarding environment to work in.

Scope of Work

  • Working with the FAT team members to manage and regular updation of Logframe for performance monitoring and evaluation of key programs underway.
  • Working with the FAT team members in preparing the logframe for various proposals.
  • Working with the FAT teams to manage and regular updation of Risk-register.
  • Working with the FAT program teams in the preparation of consolidated reports, including concise narratives and relevant analytics that capture program progress and impact for funder reports, policy documents and other organisational documentation.
  • Working with the FAT team members with data collection, management and analysis of the data captured, provide a summary of findings and documentation of program progress and impact.
  • Working with the FAT team members with monitoring, evaluation of program activities; and in preparing learning assessment tools.
  • Working with the FAT members in implementation and on-going development of M&E processes / systems.

This role will be instrumental in setting up a data collection and management system for our programs, analysing the data and writing sections of reports to inform key stakeholders of program progress and achievements.

Selection Criteria


FAT does not prioritise academic degree or years of experience; rather FAT looks at the person's skills to deliver the role, ability to work with FAT’s community, and ability to coach young teams in their day-to-day work while nurturing them as future leaders (Previous experience in coaching youth would be added advantage).

Skills Required:

  • Minimum 2 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
  • Proficiency in analysing data using statistical tools and packages (Excel required).
  • Skills to prepare Logframe for performance monitoring and evaluation of the program.
  • Ability to understand data to draw actionable inferences and present them.
  • Excellent report-writing skills in both English and Hindi.
  • Strong understanding of concepts like Logical Framework, Theory of Change, major evaluation methodologies, and monitoring (desirable).
  • Deeper understanding of feminist perspective.

Languages Needed:

Our work is with children and young women who mainly speak Hindi. The Coach should be able to communicate in Hindi effectively to work with our participants and team members besides being fluent in English.

Time Committment:

Full time engagement on a consultant contract (40 hours in 5 working days).

Other Requirements:

  • Willing to associate long term with FAT.
  • Willing to travel and able to stay long in FAT’s project locations (New Delhi, Pune, and parts of Bihar and Jharkhand).
  • Flexibility in working from home, but available in the field (if needed)


We have two roles available in FAT:

  • As an Assistant Coach for candidates with less coaching experience in a consultant contract at INR 80,000/Per month (TDS will be deducted)
  • As a Coach for candidates with required coaching experience in a consultancy contract at INR 1 lakh/Per month (TDS will be deducted)

Depending upon the suitability of the candidate for the role, they will be first offered a short term contract of 3 months as an Assistant Coach. On successful completion of the trial period, the contract will be reviewed for 1 year as a Coach. The trial period may be extended as per mutual agreement if required.

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to

  • “Application for PMEL Coach” in the subject line.
  • A cover letter with a short note on your achievements.
  • An updated CV with three references, your last drawn salary (annual) and expected salary.
  • Note of purpose (why would you want to apply for this position?) and the period of association with us.




Video Editor

This position is pegged as a ‘Consultant’ and is time bound as our vision is for the young women to take full accountability and ownership for the program and deliverables.

Scope of Work

  • Creating and editing educational and training videos for FAT.
  • Create learning materials into simplified audio / video products.
  • Establish a clear understanding of the storyline and purpose of the video's creation.
  • Work independently with required direction from time to time

Selection Criteria

Skills Required:

  • Minimum experience of 5-10 years in video editing/film making.
  • Familiar with working on ‘Final Cut Pro’.
  • Ability to make video graphics.
  • Should have experience of working on documentaries and educational films.
  • Awareness about feminism, social issues and environment issues.
  • Full of creatives ideas.

Languages Needed:

Fluency in Hindi, English and any other language

Time Committment:

Full time engagement on a consultant contract (40 hr in 5 working days)

Other Requirements:

  • Willing to associate long term with FAT.
  • Willing to travel to FAT’s project locations (New Delhi, Pune, and parts of Bihar and Jharkhand) as per need.
  • Flexibility to work from home, but must be available in office when needed.


The position is for a consultant contract at INR 60,000 per month (TDS will be deducted). Depending upon the suitability of the candidate for the role, they will be first offered a short term contract of 3 months as a Consultant. On successful completion of the trial period, the contract will be reviewed for 1 year as a Consultant. The trial period may be extended as per mutual agreement if required.

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to

  • “Application for Video Editor” in the subject line.
  • A cover letter with a short note on your achievements.
  • Samples of past work and showreel is mandatory.
  • An updated CV with three references, your last drawn salary (annual) and expected salary.
  • Note of purpose (why would you want to apply for this position?) and the period of association with us.


Script Writer (Hindi & English)

This position is pegged as a ‘Consultant’ and is time bound as our vision is for the young women to take full accountability and ownership for the program and deliverables.

Scope of Work

  • Responsible for writing scripts for educational and training videos as per FAT’s requirements.
  • Work independently with the concerned team member with limited direction from time to time.
  • Creating and maintaining documentation of all drafts, changes, and revisions to scripts throughout the writing process.
  • Translate the educational and training material content  in simple Hindi/English language, so that the FAT participants are able to understand easily.
  • Each deliverable will have weekly deadlines and FAT will provide feedback on the work done, based on which the consultant shall submit the final product to FAT.

Selection Criteria

Skills Required:

  • Minimum experience of 5-10 years in script writing for documentaries and educational films.
  • Well versed in Hindi and English equally and translation skills.
  • Awareness about feminism, social issues and environment issues.
  • Ability to write scripts on STEM subjects.
  • Full of creatives ideas.
  • Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.

Languages Needed:

Fluency in Hindi, English and any other language.

Time Committment:

Full time engagement on a consultant contract (40 hr in 5 working days)

Other Requirements:

  • Willing to associate long term with FAT.
  • Willing to travel to FAT’s project locations (New Delhi, Pune, and parts of Bihar and Jharkhand) as per need.
  • Flexibility to work from home, but must be available in office when needed.


The position is for a Consultant contract at INR 60,000 per month (TDS will be deducted). Depending upon the suitability of the candidate for the role, they will be first offered a short term contract of 3 months as a Consultant. On successful completion of the trial period, the contract will be reviewed for 1 year as a Consultant. The trial period may be extended as per mutual agreement if required.

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to

  • “Application for Script Writer and Translator” in the subject line.
  • A cover letter with a short note on your achievements.
  • Samples of past work and showreel is mandatory.
  • An updated CV with three references, your last drawn salary (annual) and expected salary.
  • Note of purpose (why would you want to apply for this position?) and the period of association with us