Several myths and misconceptions are prevailing around the sexuality of people with disabilities. These are regularly met with denial and suppression. Like any other person, people with disabilities are exposed to the same social conditions, values, aesthetic standards, relationships and sexuality. They are beings who experience affection, crave for love and sexual relationships. In addition, they are also vulnerable and need sex education which enables the formation of attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Even the special educators face difficulties in offering guidance regarding sexuality to students because of lack of information or misinformation. Hence, there is a need for sexuality curricula and teaching materials that are effective and accessible to people willing to educate.
Feminist Approach to Technology, a Delhi based organization, has undertaken a project to develop a tookit for Comprehensive Sexuality Education to Youth with Locomotor Disability which includes a facilitator’s guide to be used by special educators along with tools that can be used by youth with locomotor disabilities regarding Comprehensive Sexuality Education. While there are many such toolkits available for youth in general, there is a huge gap in resources for youth with disabilities who have special needs and different experiences with respect to SRHR.
FAT is developing this toolkit in collaboration with and with expert inputs from multiple non- profits and professionls working on issues around disability and sexuality.
One of the tools developed as a part of the toolkit is “A Facilitators’ Manual - Discussing CSE with Youth with LocoMotor Disabilities” to be used by special educators, trainers, teachers and health professionals to impart Comprehensive Sexuality Education to Youth with Locomotor Disabilities. The guide has participatory exercises and sessions , which are user friendly and adaptive.
The guide can be further complemented with other tools in the toolkit that youth can be given to educate themselves. These comprise of Podcasts, Comics and Films for youth to receive comprehensive sexuality education on their own, a Quiz Book that they can use to test their own knowledge, and an Online Course for those interested in deeper understanding.
FAT is inviting professionals (special educators, trainers, teachers, health professionals and others) who work regularly with youth with locomotor disabilities to participate in a training to use this
facilitators guide followed immediately by a 2-week feedback assignment. During this 2-week assignment, the trainees are expected to use the facilitator's guide to train youth (between 18 to 35, any gender) they work with, compile all observations, learnings and feedback, and send back to FAT.
Involvement of the end users of the toolkit will help us incorporate their inputs in the design as well as implementation and check quality. FAT will compensate each trainer who undertake this assignment for their time and effort through a stipend of Rs 5000 per trainer.
Residential Training in Delhi: 21 August 2019 - 23rd August 2019, New Delhi. All costs for travel and accommodation will be borne by FAT. We will send more details on the workshop to selected candidates.
2-Week Assignment post Training: 26th August to 10th Sept 2019. In own location.
- Each participant will use the facilitator’s guide with their own groups reaching not less than 10 youth with locomotor disability in their own work settings and report back on its usability via a structured response sheet. The trainings have to be completed between 26th August 2019 and 10th September 2019. The response sheet along with photos of the activities conducted has to be sent by 12th September 2019.
- The stipend will be released on submission of the response sheets and photos. A contract for the assignment will be signed during the residential training in Delhi.
Language: While the facilitator’s guide being developed in both English and Hindi, the language used in the training will be primarily Hindi.
We are looking for professionals (special educators, trainers, teachers, health professionals and others) who work regularly with youth with locomotor disabilities.
A small stipend of Rs 5000 is offered for each participant for training of YwDs in their programs/ projects and reporting/offering critical feedback on the facilitator’s guide.
Please find the Application Form here. All applications must be received by August 1st 2019 along with the applicant’s CV and one reference.